African Child and Youth Development Initiative (ACYDI): Is Registered and Incorporated as a not-for-profit limited liability company in the Register of Companies of Uganda on Certificate Registration Number: 80020000339575 in June 2017. ACYDI began its operations as a charitable non-government organization to mitigate the educational and poverty related concerns as well as support to improve livelihoods, health, and nutrition standards of critically vulnerable children (OVCs), women and youths in Uganda.

Our Vision: A country (Uganda/Africa) offering the marginalized children, youths and women an opportunity to have a say and be involved in the socio-economic development issues/decisions affecting them.

Our Mission Statement; To empower children, youths and women to focus, organize and work towards improved social-economic well-being.

We achieve this by empathy, social and economic empowerment through self-help projects, Advocacy, networking, psychosocial support, community mobilization and sensitization, outreaches, health, and educational support. 


Partnering with District Local Government to achieve by 2030, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 5 i.e. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, inclusive and equitable quality education and promote gender equality, respectively.

Most communities ACYDI works including isolated islands are characterized by extremely low levels of education especially for girls.

We firmly believed that sustainable development must come from within the communities, and outside help should come in to supplement what is already on the ground and hence participatory project management approach.

We are open and accountable to every stakeholder including the lowest beneficiaries.


ACYDI designs and supports integrated, impactful, sustainable and scalable WASH, health/Nutrition and primary & secondary education programs in rural and semi-urban villages of Uganda. With focus on gender inclusion and girl child/women empowerment.

1) Menstrual health management for education (Girl's empowerment) - WASH for all.

2) Education support for vulnerable children in primary & secondary

3) Vocational skills training for school drop out youths and child mothers (AGYWs)

4) Health and nutrition support for OVC and HIV positives (health and wellbeing, non-food items support like beddings, clothes, shoes etc.)

5) Street children i.e. homeless project; Psyco-social counseling, mini fostering, family re-connection, follow up & education support

6) Child protection

7) Entrepreneurship & business skills development

8) Advocacy 

9) Environmental Protection and Biodiversity

Stakeholder and Community Engagements

ACYDI provides services in entrepreneurship and development, information technology trainings and empowerment (ICT), Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), vocational education,  education health and education in HIV/AIDS management and awareness, malaria and TB awareness and advocacy, Rehabilitation of street children, supporting orphans and vulnerable children, deployment of both local and international volunteers to various community projects, community entrepreneurship/community microfinance trainings and monitoring (Community Savings and loaning) ,Capacity Building sessions to youth groups, vocational schools, primary and secondary schools, organic farming and agricultural activities, Environmental education and Management.


Meet Our Team Members

Robert Kikonyogo

Executive Director

Prossy Nakattudde

Director Programs

Namusisi Damalie

Project Manager

Florence Nakitto

Finance Manager


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